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School Prayers


God, our loving Father, we humbly come before your Divine Majesty, to praise and thank you for the unique gift of Msgr. Herculano Gonsalves as an example to follow in the footsteps of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We glorify you Father, for his burning zeal and the love for Jesus in the Eucharist, which burst forth in compassionate love and a yearning for justice to the poor, the children and women in distress. We pray that your Spirit may lead us to imitate his saintly life and zealously give ourselves to the service of the poor and the needy and thus spread Your Kingdom on earth. Grant us / me, through his intercession the favour we / I now ask (mention your request) as a sign that he now shares in the glory of our Risen Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer Before Class

Eternal God – Creator of all – I firmly believe – that I am now – in your Divine presence – I adore Your Divine Majesty – and I ask of you – to enlighten my mind – that I may know you – more clearly – and to move my heart – for your sake.

Help me – that I may never in my thoughts, words or deeds – offend – against your Holy Law.

Prayer After Class

We give you thanks, Almighty God for all the benefits you have conferred upon us.

Oh my God – I love you with my whole heart – and above all things – I am heartily sorry for having offended you – because – you are so good – and I firmly resolve – not to offend you – any more. Amen.

Prayer for Success in Examination

Lord and source of all gifts , creator of space and time, you who live beyond them, I praise and thank you for the gift of time. Each second of life you give me, is precious and profound. Lord, today I thank you specially for all the people who have shared their precious time with me, particularly I remember my parents and teachers. I thank you for giving me a chance to study. Now the time has come to prove how sincere I had been in my efforts to come to prove how sincere I had been in my efforts to study. Lord I feel I have done my part. Help me lord, to retain in my memory what I have studied and the courage to answer every question. May your Holy Spirit be my light, strength and guide. Amen.